Example 1:
a. What is the boiling of the 5% NaCl – Water solution if the separation is operated at 80 kPa?
b. What is the Boiling Point Rise of the solution?

p = 80kPa = 0.080 MPa

Boiling Point of Water at 80kPa:

Thermodynamic Properties of Water: 8th Perry’s Handbook, T 2 – 30, p. 2-413
p(MPa) T(K)
0.062194 360
0.090535 370

Evaluate the temperature at p=0.080 MPa by interpolating. Refer to the example of interpolation.
Tsat = 366.28 K = 93.13oC

Evaluate the boiling point of 25% NaCl – Water solution by referring to the graph or by using any available correlation.

Tb \approx 100 oC

BPR = \Delta T= Tb – Tsat
BPR = 100 – 93.13
BPR = 6.87oC

Example 2:
What is the enthalpy of the 10% NaOH solution at 130oF?


From the plot:
h \approx 200 kJ/kg \approx 85 Btu/lbm


B. Evaporator Set-up

Single-Effect Evaporator

Evaporation is carried out in a single stage. It is usually utilized in a small-scale operation.

F – the amount of liquid solution fed
S – the amount of Steam introduced into the evaporator
V – the amount of vapor/steam produced
L – the amount of concentrated liquid product
xf – concentration of solute in the feed
x – concentration of solute in the liquid product
y – the concentration of solute in the Vapor

The evaporation involves straightforward material and energy balances. Unless conditions are specified, these simplifying assumptions almost always apply:

1. The vapor is taken to be pure so that y = 0.
2. Steam and condensate are both saturated.
3. The tank is well-mixed so that the temperatures of the Vapor and the Liquid Product are the same.


a. Steam Economy

Steam Economy refers to the total amount of Vapor, VT, evaporated per amount of Steam, S, supplied.

Steam \;\;Economy = \frac{V_{T}}{S}


b. Heat Supplied, q

The heat supplied to the evaporator comes from the phase change of steam. For saturated steam, the heat supplied is:

q = S(h_{s} - h_{c}) = S\lambda_{vap}


c. Surface Area of Heat Exchange, A

The Total Heat Transfer Surface Area can be derived from the Over-all Heat Transfer Equation.

q = U_{o}A\Delta T

\Delta T = T_{s} - T_{b}

q – over-all heat transfer
U – over-all heat transfer coefficient
A – total heat transfer surface area
Ts – temperature of the condensing Steam
Tb – boiling temperature


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