Example 3:
a. What is the rate of heat transfer to concentrate 8000 kg/h, 80 oC, and dilute liquid feed with 0.2% solute content to 2.5% liquid product? Saturated steam is supplied at 200 kPa abs., and the single evaporator operates at atmospheric pressure.
b. What is the steam economy of the evaporator?

F = 8000 kg/hr
Tf = 80 oC = 353.15 K
xf = 0.2/100 = 0.002
xl = 2.5/100 = 0.025

Let Reference state, P and T be that of the Liquid Product.
Operating Pressure = 1 atm = 0.101325 MPa
Steam Pressure = 200 kPa abs. = 0.2MPa

Ts of Water at 0.2MPa:

Thermodynamic Properties of Water: 8th Perry’s Handbook, T 2 – 30, p. 2-413
p(MPa) T(K) hl(kJ/mol) hv(kJ/mol)
0.17964 390 8.8354 48.665
0.24577 400 9.6013 48.924

Evaluate the Temperature at p=0.2 MPa by interpolating. Refer to this example of interpolation.
Ts = 393.08 K

hc = hl = 9.0712 \frac{ kJ }{ mol} \frac{ 55.5 kJ/kg }{ 1 kJ/mol } = 503.45 \frac{ kJ }{kg}
hs = hv = 48.742 \frac{ kJ }{ mol} \frac{ 55.5 kJ/kg }{ 1 kJ/mol } = 2705.3 \frac{ kJ }{kg}

The solution is dilute, so it will behave as pure water. At 1 atm, the solution will boil. Also, its specific heat capacity, cp, is that of liquid water – 4.186 kJ/ kg.K .

Tb of Solution at 0.101325 MPa:

Thermodynamic Properties of Water: 8th Perry’s Handbook, T 2 – 30, p. 2-413
p(MPa) T(K) hl(kJ/mol) hv(kJ/mol)
0.090535 370 7.3121 48.111
0.12885 380 8.0725 48.393

Evaluate the Temperature at p=0.101325 MPa by interpolating. Refer to this example of interpolation.
To = To = 372.82 K
hl = 7.5262 \frac{ kJ }{ mol} \frac{ 55.5 kJ/kg }{ 1 kJ/mol } = 417.70 \frac{ kJ }{kg}
hv = 48.190 \frac{ kJ }{ mol} \frac{ 55.5 kJ/kg }{ 1 kJ/mol } = 2674.54 \frac{ kJ }{kg}

F = L + V
V = 8000 – L

Solute Balance:
xfF = xlL
0.1/100 * (8000) = 2.5/100 * L
L = 320 kg/h
Therefore, V = 8000 – 320 = 7680 kg/h

Energy Balance:
Fhf + Shs = Vhc + Shc + Lhl
Fcp(Tf – Tref) + S(hs – hc) = V\lambda_{vap} + Lcp(Tl – Tref)
(8000)(4.186)( 353.15– 372.82) + S(2705.3 – 503.45) = 7680(2674.5 – 417.70) + 320(0)
S = 8170.8 kg/hr

q = S (hs – hc) = 8170.8(2705.3 – 503.45)
q = 17, 991 MJ/hr = 4997.5 kW

Steam Economy = \frac{ V_{T} }{ S} = \frac{ 7680 \;kg/h }{ 8170.8 \;kg/h}
Steam Economy = = 0.9514

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