I. Ideal Gas Equation

At low Pressure and High Temperature, gases behave ideally. Intermolecular forces are negligible and the state properties of the system is correlated by

PV = nRT


n is the number of moless

R is the universal constant

T is the absolute Temperature

At constant amount of gas,

\frac{PV}{T}= nR = constant


State 1 and State 2 are related by,

\frac{P1V1}{T1} = \frac{P2V2}{T2}

Example 1:

An ideal gas has the following initial state properties: T1 = 25 oC, p1 = 1 atm, V1 = 2L. What is the volume if the final gas properties are T2 = 30 oC, P2 = 0.5 atm.


\frac{P1V1}{T1} = \frac{P2V2}{T2}
\frac{(1)(2) }{ 25+ 273.15} = \frac{0.5V2 }{ 30+273.15}

V2 = 4.07 \;L

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